How to use Instagram for beginner - Business , Follower, Affiliate Marketing ,#Hashtag
is very popular among social media today. Everyone is busier on Instagram today
than on Facebook, and WhatsApp.
Instagram says that Instagram is widely used for all the
photos and videos of beautiful actresses that we remember. There are more young
people on Instagram. This young group uses Instagram to upload photos, and make
There are many Instagram users in our country but very
few people have deep knowledge about how it was created. If you know about
Instagram, you can use it for yourself.
Today I am going to tell you some important information about
Instagram. Information you should have as an Instagram user.
is Instagram?
Instagram was first started in 2010 by Kevin Systrom and
Mike Krieger. Both of them did all the work from making the logo and deciding
its color.
Initially, Instagram was called Bourbon. But later it
became known as Instagram. The name Instagram is a combination of instant
meaning instant and gram from telegram.
Since the app was so popular since its inception, So
seeing the popularity of this App, Facebook bought this App completely in the
year 2012.
The fact that Instagram has crores of users will tell you
its popularity. Day by day Instagram has become a favorite place not only for
common people but also for celebrities. Currently, you must have seen that
celebrities, politicians, and famous people from various fields have come to
to create Instagram Account
1) First of all visit the website
2) Now you will see a webpage like below.
3) In it you can fill your personal information and also
log in with the help of Facebook.
4) Now
fill in the information properly and click on submit button.
Now your Instagram account will be created.
to increase followers and likes on Instagram?
As Instagram is becoming very popular, there is
competition between each other to increase followers or likes. Everyone is
trying to increase followers and likes on Instagram.
Regular Post
Share a quality video or photo daily to increase
followers. But do not share too many images or videos at the same time.
Add attractive photos
The quality of the photos that we are going to post on
Instagram should be good. That is, the brighter and clearer the photo looks,
the better it will be. Also, if you are posting photos of yourself, pose
yourself well.
If you have any business and you are uploading a photo
related to it, then make the photo attractive and use the right type of color
in it.
Making good stories
You can make different stories related to your favorite
topic. Instagram story is also a good option to increase followers and likes.
You can make different stories related to your favorite
topic. Instagram story is also a good option to increase followers and likes.
Talk to Follower
If there are many comments on the photo or video you
posted, give a replay of the comment. You can talk with your followers through
comments. You can understand their problem and give its solution. This is a
great way to increase followers or likes.
Publish Instagram posts at the right time
If you want to increase your followers quickly on
Instagram, publishing posts at the right time is essential. What time are
people online the most? You need to understand that time and post it
If you post at a time when more people are online, more
people will see your post, which will help increase your followers and likes..
Relevant Hashtag
When you post a photo or video on Instagram, always write
a useful or relevant keyword along with the hashtag. such as #Beauty,#Mumbai.
How to Earn Money From Instagram
Any platform (Blogging, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter) if you have a good number of users or followers or visitors, then you can also earn online.If you have an Android Phone then you can download it from Play Store. After installing the app, follow all the tips below to set up and increase user engagement.
Sponsor Post
If you have a lot of followers on Instagram, then you can make extra income by posting sponsored photos or videos, and in my opinion, this is a good way to earn money from Instagram. Only for this Instagram account do you have to post a video or photo which is related to the sponsor brand. The best thing for an Instagram influencer is that you have to create an account by going to that page and then you can send the request to any brand for the sponsor.
Affiliate Program
Affiliate Marketing is
an online marketplace through which anyone can earn any amount of money. From
Web Hosting to Fashion, Beauty, Affiliate Marketing is available for all
products. You can be connected with any Platform be it Blogging or Youtube or
WhatsApp or Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram Affiliate marketing can earn money
from any field.
To earn money through
affiliate marketing on Instagram, you just have to share the affiliate link of
the product along with the photo, and video of the product, if someone clicks
on that link and buys that product, then you get some % of that price as
Sell your Account
Many people have done
this by increasing their followers and selling their accounts. The more
Instagram followers you have, the more your account will be sold.
Some people have sold
such accounts for millions. So by selling the account you can earn money in
lakhs once.
How to Make Business From Instagram
Sell Your Own Product
Selling your product
is the most profitable way. When you sell your product, you get all the money
from it. So how much you can sell your product? eg. Your printed t-shirts,
books, products of your business, etc.
If you are offering a
service, you can get a lot of clients from Instagram. E.g. If you have a
fitness-related account, you can consult them separately.
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